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years Of Experience
about us

about me and my work

Dr. Christine Tisi, DNP, is a mother, life coach, a motivator, an author, and a nurse who is passionate about encouraging other people to achieve their dreams and optimal goals. It is her belief that no matter what life throws into oneโ€™s life, still, an individual can lead a fulfilling life. Born in Kenya and raised in both Kenya and in the United States, she has experienced the coin from both sides giving her the knowledge to encourage everyone to chase after their dreams. Dr. Christine shares one of her favorite bible verses, โ€œIn all circumstances; take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil oneโ€ in God and extinguish all the flaming darts (attacks) of the enemy (Ephesians 6:16).

Christine k. zaki

CEO & Founder


our works


Get the Training you Need: The Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), a lifesaving skill useful in many emergencies, such as a

Consultation Services

You can do this anytime. All you need to do is schedule a call or email us for a

Stress Reducing Strategies

Are you Living with High Levels of Stress? Stress creates destruction on your emotional equilibrium, and physical health. It